
The Congress is ACCREDITED as an International Congress:

  • Lecturers – 15 points
  • Oral Presentation – 13 points
  • Poster Presentation – 11 points
  • Participants – 10 points

The 3rd IASGO Belgrade Meeting and 1st IASGO SERC Regional Congress, Belgrade, Serbia, 25/05/2023-26/05/2023 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 16 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.”


Dear colleagues, dear friends,

On behalf of the International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists Southeast Europe Regional Chapter – IASGO SERC, we are delighted to inform you that

3rd IASGO Belgrade Meeting
1st IASGO Southeast Europe Regional Congress

will be held from 25-26 May 2023 in Mona Plaza Hotel, Belgrade, Serbia.

We successfully organized 2nd IASGO Belgrade Meeting end March 2021, in the heist of the extremely complex global challenge of the COVID 19 pandemic, which now, after more than two years, thanks to integrated efforts of the profession and societies as a whole, in all countries and regions of the world, is slowly stabilizing. Hence, we are certain that our 3rd Regional Congress in May 2023 will be organized as a successful face to face scientific gathering.

The IASGO Southeast Europe Regional Chapter SERC is determined to continuously develop its activities, at the national, regional and international level. In cooperation with associations and institutions in the country and region of the Balkans and Southeast Europe – SEE, we will try to gather as many leading experts as possible from the SEE region, and Europe, to gain up-to-date knowledge and expertise, exchange experiences, establish closer cooperation on a scientific and professional level and transfer practical skills to colleagues throughout the SEE region.

Congress promise is to put together high quality and attractive Conference program, covering major topics and controversies, some of them to respond to regional Southeast Europe challenges, and offering responses and recommendations for the main contemporary global challenges in surgery, gastroenterology and oncology and the potentials of their application in daily work of our colleagues in the SEE region.

The main topics of the 3rd IASGO Belgrade Meeting IASGO SERC Regional -Congress will remain within the frame of general IASGO strategic orientation Below is the exhaustive list of topics that might be slightly modified, according to actual developments and decisions of the Organizing Committee.

  • Tips and Tricks in the Multidisciplinary Management of HPB Cancers
  • Modalities of Artery First Approaches to Pancreatic Resections
  • How to perform Liver Resection?
  • How I do it? Video presentations
  • Laparoscopic Liver surgery
  • Laennecs capsule concept in Anatomical Liver Resections
  • Caudate Lobectomy
  • Anterior Approach in HCC
  • DP-CAR
  • ERAS in pancreatic surgery
  • Robotic PD
  • Duodenum preserving Pancreatic Head Resection
  • Up to date Medical HPB Oncology
  • Controversies in Upfront surgery for Pancreatic cancer
  • Colorectal oncologic surgery update
  • Current use of radiosurgery in surgical oncology – what we need to know
  • Multidisciplinary treatment of colorectal liver metastasis
  • Minimally invasive colorectal surgery
  • Gastroenterology, interventional endoscopy & endoscopic surgery Interface – state of the art & perspectives
  • Chemotherapy – different options, interrelations with oncologic surgery and novel treatments
  • Round table – Ex-YU & SEE region – Digestive Oncology – where are we now and where should we be going – similarities and differences – how to make breakthrough

We would be initiating 3 IASGO Belgrade Meeting – IASGO SERC Regional Congress promotional campaigns as of September and, based on a modern concept, attractive and dynamic program and over 50 international and regional leaders in different domains of surgery, gastroenterology and oncology that we expect as invited lecturers and panellists, we expect that large number colleagues from Serbia, Ex-YU states and broader Southeast Europe region will find professional interest in joining the Congress, be introduced to innovative concepts and exchange experiences, refresh existing and establish new contacts with colleagues, in a pleasant atmosphere of Belgrade at the end of May next year.

After this, first, „SAVE THE DATE“ note, we will soon be informing you on the preliminary program, details related to the registration and abstracts submission, as well as other relevant aspects related to the Congress, on the Congress Website, operational soon, , as well as via the regular promotional campaigns.

We look forward to meeting you in Belgrade, end of May 2023.

Welcome !

Prof. Aleksandar Karamarković
Congress President

Prof. Kyoichi TAKAORI
IASGO Secretary General

Prof. Dan G. DUDA
IASGO Secretary General